April 27, 1996- Minnesota:
This sighting took place somewhere in the dairy farm country between
Minneapolis and Duluth. The eyewitnesses were a farm wife and her six-
year-old daughter. The sighting took place on Saturday night, April 27, at
precisely 8:50 p.m. Central time.
Mrs. X and her daughter were standing on their back porch, having just
finished with their evening chores, when they spotted the UFO. Mrs. X
described it as "a bright white light, round in shape, passed over our silo
at a very high altitude. It moved in zigzag."
Mother and daughter kept the UFO in view for 10 seconds, and then it
vanished over the western horizon.
From: Skywatch International-MORE ON THE MINNESOTA SIGHTING
Mrs. X's farm is on Highway 10 in Andover, Minnesota, about thirty
miles north of Minneapolis. The saucer, she reports, "was 45 degrees
above the horizon and very bright. Its brightness remained constant and
it was totally silent."
"I have served in the U.S. Air Force in the past," Mrs. X said.
"And I worked around aircraft and flight lines. It was not like
anything I'm used to seeing in the sky, including satellites. My son was
very excited about it, and it was his idea to go online. Also, the weather
was very good and there were very few clouds."
The zigzagging saucer was seen at 8:50 p.m. Central time on April
27 and was last seen headed for Ramsey, Minnesota.
April 14, 1996 - Across Michigan's Upper Peninsula, from Sault Sainte Marie to Ironwood, Michigan, people reported seeing "a gigantic object with four to seven blinking amber lights on the side and a squiggly plume of pure white light coming out of the aft end." The UFO was seen by six Michigan state troopers along Route 28 in Alger County.
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